Friday, November 18, 2011

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

I'm an extrovert because I'm not always quiet and have many friends. I think extroverts have it easier because they are more social and not shy. If everyone was an extrovert the world would probably get along better because people would talk with one another. If everyone was an introvert the world would be more individual and there would be less social activities. I prefer my friends be an extrovert because it would be easier to hangout with them and would be easier to have a conversation with them. I think extroverts are better leaders because they can stand up and speak for themselves. I think introverts are better writers because they can put all their feelings on paper without having to speak it in front of people. I think extroverts would be better teachers because they are more social. I don't think it matters who is better at who because everyone is equal.

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